Monday, July 17, 2006

the past..

Post Date: May 28, 2006Post Time: 2:23 am

I win, DB, Crush of the week!

I am the only one online tonght. So byt default I win. t is me, Showtime at the Apollo and my clean sheets tonight.It all began with one of my oldest friedns Jarrid Owen Beasley called up. an hour later he was at my door. We were doing Jameson shots and rum and cokes as we waited out the heavy rain. The we wandered to the Rosebud where I found my first crush of the evening. The bartender. A superhot tall lady who served me two maker's/ How could I have not like this cutey, huh? After several convenient encounters(James and keith) we ran off to The Bus Stop following a random text message. There we found crush number 2 glasses wearing birthday girl who dawn the naughty librarian facade proudly! But other than tha tit was way to maney men at the gay bar. So we headed to Hot Mammas where we at the Pizza and found crush three. Some friend o f Jarrid who was super cute and adoraboe. further explanation upon request. I am drunk so descriptions sound like a lot of work right now. Finally we finisheed off with several maker's at Linda's. And te crsuhed really started getting blurry by thid point. And currently I am blurry drinking confsued at home drinking water. Super heart and love and hugs.jeffrey


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